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The Woodland Education Centre
The Heathland Restoration Project
Trialling different methods of management for heathland restoration.

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Ecological Surveys 1996 - 1998


Soil pH measurements quoted in the site description are courtesy of Mr. M. Wallwork of Exeter College, Devon, England. The rainfall data were supplied by Mrs Hall, of Offwell

Peter Gotham, RSPB Warden at Aylesbeare, Devon, England was kind enough to help with initial plant species identifications on the project site. Mark Pool, the Devon Recorder for Bryophytes, helped with the identification of the mosses and also supplied a species list of mosses he found on the heathland site in 1997. Thanks are also due to Alan Croft for help with surveying the project site in 1998.


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Ecological Surveys 96 - 98