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The Woodland Education Centre
The Heathland Restoration Project

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Ecological Survey 1999
Selected Heath Species

Changes in abundance of Heather
1998 - 1999.

Changes in Heather abundance 1998 - 1999

Changes in abundance of Bell Heather
1998- 1999

Changes in abundance of Bell Heather 1998 - 1999

Changes in abundance of European Gorse
1998- 1999

Changes in abundance of Gorse 1998 - 1999

Changes in abundance of Bramble
1998 - 1999

Changes in abundance of bramble 1998 - 1999

Changes in abundance of Common Dog-violet
1998 - 1999

Changes in the abundance of violet 1998 - 1999

Changes in abundance of Heath Speedwell
1998 - 1999

Changes in the abundance of Heath Speedwell 1998 - 1999

Changes in abundance of Slender St John's-wort
1998 - 1999

Changes in the abundance of Slender St John's-wort 1998 - 1999

Changes in abundance of Silver Birch
1998 - 1999

Changes in the abundance of Silver Birch 1998 - 1999

Changes in abundance of Pill Sedge
1998 - 1999

Changes in the abundance of Pill Sedge 1998 - 1999

The comparisons between sections have been made using  % frequency (with data taken from all the quadrats sampled, both belt and random) as a measure of abundance.

Percentage frequency = the percentage of the total number of quadrats sampled which contained the species. For example, a percentage frequency of 100%, means that the species was found in all quadrats sampled.

The % frequencies shown above are based on an average of 22 quadrats sampled per section. Differences of 10% frequency (which equates to a difference of approximately 2 quadrats) or less  should not be regarded as significant.



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Ecological Survey 1999